I have done some thorough purging in the last couple of days.
I have cleaned out my virtual space.
Going back to the beginnings of my email box, going back all the way to 2008.
It was a hell of a ride!
I was amazed by the amount of “stuff” I held onto...
Because virtual stuff is also stuff.
It takes up space.
Not only on my virtual drive, but in my emotional space also.
And I have been carrying all this weight, all this stuff with me all these years...
It was emotional baggage - besides the many gigabytes of data and space -, loaded with memories, stories and my emotions attached to them.
But it was time to finally let this all go.
I didn't need it anymore.
I did not want to hold onto them anymore.
I needed space - space to breathe.
I wanted to walk lighter.
There is space now.
For the new.
For new things, new experiences.
For new people, new energies to come into this void, into this vacuum.
And I love that.
I am free to breathe again.
No weight pushing on my chest.
Only keeping what sparks joy (á la Marie Kondo).
I encourage you to purge from time to time.
Your cupboards, your home, all the items that take up space.
And don’t forget your virtual space either.
You may want to examine your relationships also and may decide to keep only those that spark joy for you.
It will save you precious energy and time.
That you can spend on the things and relationships that DO spark joy.
* The title of the blogpost was inspired by one of my favourite Eminem songs.
** Just after finishing the post, Marie Kondo's newsletter arrived in my inbox with the title: 'Tidying your relationships'. It totally resonates with my message.
If you're interested, you can find it here: https://konmari.com/tidying-your-relationships/
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