Have you ever asked yourself the question: “Am I good enough?”


What was your answer?

Mine was for a long time: “I am not good enough.”


I put myself through many years of inner work and somewhere along my journey the urge arose in me to pass on this quality, this holding presence, this unconditional love that I had received from my mentors, teachers, and people walking the path together with me.


Yet, I still wrestled with my inner critic for quite a while before I dared to come out to the world as a counsellor.


I still did not feel good enough.


But I am here now.


You are enough. is the essence of my own inner journey and my most important message.

To myself and - beyond that - to others, to you.


If you feel that

  • you cannot handle a difficult life situation alone
  • you cannot find the key to a relationship or a person that matters to you
  • your life seems to unfold according to predictable patterns and you are tired of them, because they do not bring you joy

Let’s have a conversation.


Together we will create a sacred space in which you will receive full, loving attention, free of judgement - a space of acceptance that you may never have experienced in your life before.


Once you have felt truly enough in this space, you will start to change, develop and heal. You will rediscover the wholeness that has been there all along.


Take the time to figure out who you really are. Investing in myself was the most valuable investment of my life.


I am here to accompany you on this journey.